Lake Alta
FMC has recently submitted regarding a proposed concession to be granted to NZSki to install a watertake from Lake Alta. This will require the presence of a digger in this area during parts of the [...]
Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park
FMC recently submitted on a draft management plan for Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park. This park is now governed by DOC and Ngāti Whare following a Treaty Settlement. FMC emphasised the need to recognise the unique values [...]
Paparoa National Park Management Plan
After a hiatus, there is now a deluge of management plan reviews underway public conservation land, which will in the next couple of years include the majority of the South Island's National Parks. FMC Vice-President [...]
Glenfalloch Tenure Review
Glenfalloch station sits between the Rakaia and Ashburton catchments, up above Lake Heron. It may prove in the future to be an integral part of an extended Hakatere Conservation Park, and is an important part [...]
Heaphy Track MTB Season
FMC submitted on an amendment to the Kahurangi National Park Management Plan to lengthen the mountain biking season on the Heaphy track, and allow mountain biking concessionaires. FMC is supportive of the extension, but has [...]
Incorporated Societies Bill
FMC is monitoring the progress of the Incorporated Societies Bill, which may affect our member clubs. FMC recently made a submission to the Exposure Draft of the Bill. Read here FMC will notify clubs if their interests [...]