Access to Needle Block, Kaimanawa Mountains
In the FMC Bulletin 204 (June 2016, page 44-45) we featured an article by Dennis Brown (Auckland TC) on the Needle Block in the northern Kaimanawa Mountains. This is "a [...]
In the FMC Bulletin 204 (June 2016, page 44-45) we featured an article by Dennis Brown (Auckland TC) on the Needle Block in the northern Kaimanawa Mountains. This is "a [...]
In June 2019, the Department of Conservation notified an application to dispose of approximately 5 ha of public conservation land in the Wai-iti River, Spring Grove, Nelson. While the proposed [...]
One of many benefits of an FMC Membership Card is a 30% discount on DOC's Backcountry Hut Pass. While a Backcountry Hut Pass cannot be used at Great Walk huts, [...]
FMC published a policies document in December 2018. It was the result of a year-long policies review process that included consultation with clubs. Hard copies of the document were sent [...]
The recipients of the 2019 FMC Expedition Scholarships have been announced: Simon Bell Memorial Expedition Scholarship Luca Karjalainen, Otago University Tramping Club, for a trip to the Olivine Ice Plateau [...]
Are you currently planning your Gold-level Adventurous Journey for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award? Would a cash grant help you have an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life?
Okere Falls Scenic Reserve near Rotorua is threatened by a proposal by Okere Adventures to build and operate a seven-stage zipline. The application by Okere Adventures was publicly notified on [...]
In August this year DOC announced its intention to add Pinnacles Hut and Woolshed Creek Hut on Mount Somers (Canterbury) to its online booking system. FMC canvassed feedback from southern tramping [...]
Background The Department of Conservation's Hut Service Standards were first approved in 1999. They were reviewed and revised in 2004 (see the current document here). DOC manages and maintains a [...]
Some great news at last The Minister for the Environment David Parker has announced that an application from Westpower Ltd to build and operate a hydro-electric power scheme on the [...]