Public Access
FMC has a long term commitment to maintaining and improving public access to our great outdoors for kiwis seeking to enjoy themselves .Our policy on public access can be found here.
FMC was associated with the development of the Walking Access Commission and continues to work closely with it. The Walking Access Commission has a mapping system which shows the status of land and enables you to lodge an “access issue” with the Commission.
FMC has successfully negotiated access to the East Taupo Lands Trust block in the Kaimanawa ranges. This access provides improved opportunities for tramping in this region, particularly for multi-day trips. The details of the access are here.
Current access issues that FMC is monitoring, or acting to resolve, include: Ruahine (multiple issues), Remarkables, Lees Valley and Molesworth. We also submit in detail to access arrangements proposed through pastoral lease tenure review processes.
FMC welcomes being asked to advocate by members on access issues. We have a wide range of background and knowledge which may help to resolve the issue. At first instance please contact your local Executive member or the FMC administrator:
page updated 24/6/2011