Nominations for the FMC Executive 2020 – 21 closed on 7 April. Since the number of nominations does not exceed the number of available positions, this year no election is required. The new Executive will take office on 21 May 2020.

Jan Finlayson has been confirmed FMC President for the second year running.

Neil Silverwood will take over as Vice-President on 21 May. Current Vice-President Tania Seward has opted not to stand again; she will be joining the Executive instead.

Peter Wilson, currently immediate past president, will also be on the Executive.

Current Exec members returning next year are David Barnes, John Beech, Owen Cox, Robin McNeill, Liz Stephenson and Jamie Stewart.

New members nominated to be on the Executive are Allan Brent (NZAC, Christchurch), Norm Judd (Auckland Catholic TC), Lauren Kelley (West Coast Alpine Club, Blackball), and Tony Walton (Auckland TC).

Current Exec members who have decided not to stand again in the coming year are Crystal Brindle, Phil Glasson, Alan Grant, Pat Holland, Stu Hutson and Enda Walsh. We would like to thank all of them for their contribution during the past year, or past several years in some cases!

Twelve out of thirteen Exec positions are thus filled for the coming year.


Photo at top: FMC Leadership 2020-21: President Jan Finlayson (left) and Vice-President Neil Silverwood (right)