The election for the position of FMC President closed at 5pm on 18 May 2022.
Congratulations to Robin McNeill on being elected FMC President for the year 2022-2023. Robin is joining Vice-President Allan Brent in our organization’s leadership team. Jan Finlayson is Immediate Past President ex officio.
The votes received by each candidate are
Robin McNneill 85
Neil Silverwood 31
61 clubs voted out of 99 clubs eligible to vote (61.6%)
116 votes were cast out of 157 votes available (73.9%)
An up-to-date list of the complete FMC Exec for the year 2022 / 2023 can be found here.
Photo at top: FMC Vice-President Allan Brent (left) and President Robin McNeill (right)