FMC Submissions2024-01-16T05:04:48+13:00

FMC joins outdoor recreation groups in a call for changes to health and safety laws to protect public access and recreation opportunities

Along with the Aotearoa Climbing Access Trust (ACAT), FMC led and greatly contributed to the writing of the joint submission to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to amend health and safety [...]

November 13th, 2024|News, Press Releases, Submissions|

FMC’s submission on Forest Stewardship Council’s audit of a Nelson/Marlborough operating forestry company

Access to Mt Richmond Forest Park has been an issue for recreational communities in the upper South Island for quite some time. Much of the legal public access to the park is over a [...]

July 12th, 2024|News, Submissions|

FMC’s submission on International Visitor Levy changes proposal

International tourism is a principal national export industry. As the pressure on Aoteraoa New Zealand's nature, conservation land and its infrastructure is increasing, we need to carefully consider how to use this industry, to [...]

July 10th, 2024|News, Submissions|

FMC’s submisson on Fast-track Approvals Bill

“FMC strongly opposes the Fast-track Approvals Bill and would like to see it withdrawn,” says FMC’s president Megan Dimozantos. “We believe the bill is undemocratic and harmful to the environment, and will not facilitate its [...]

April 17th, 2024|News, Press Releases, Submissions|

Submission on Rakitata River revival strategy

FMC has written a submission on the Rakitata (Rangitata) River revival strategy developed by Department of Conservation. The submission makes recommendations on relevant high-level issues applying to the whole river, as well as a small [...]

October 25th, 2023|News, Submissions|

Submission on West Coast stewardship land reclassification recommendations

FMC has written a two-part submission on reclassification recommendations for stewardship land on the West Coast. The first part addresses high-level aspects of the project. The second focusses on the reclassification recommendations made by national [...]

July 25th, 2022|News, Submissions|
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