Next Steps for Freshwater Submission
FMC Members know what rivers should look like, we see them in the mountains, when they are running free and clear. FMC strongly believes that New Zealanders deserve better when it comes to freshwater management. [...]
Resource Legislation Amendment Bill
The Resource Legislation Amendment Bill "opens" numerous Acts including the RMA, the Reserves Act and the Conservation Act and makes targeted changes. Any changes to conservation law needs to be very carefully thought through to [...]
Tenure Review: Island Hills
Jan Finlayson has taken over much of FMC's work in tenure review for Canterbury. Check out the submission on the Island Hills pastoral lease, most famous among recreationalists for the (private) Hurunui High Country Track. [...]
Te Kawa o Te Urewera
Thank you for opportunity to comment on the development of the draft Te Kawa o Te Urewera plan. Federated Mountain Clubs if the national body of mountain recreation clubs. We have affiliated clubs throughout the [...]
Tenure Review Continues: Mt Dasher and Godley Peaks
While it is fun in the sun for many, work continues for the FMC Tenure Review team submitting on preliminary proposals for the future of our high country. Recent submissions included both Mt Dasher Station [...]
Pelorus Bridge Recreation Reserve
FMC has requested amendments to a proposal by DOC to grant a 20 year licence to an existing dairy farmer on Pelorus Bridge Recreation Reserve. This Recreation Reserve has too much recreational and ecological potential, [...]