Would a little bit of cash make the difference in running a certain course for your club? Allow a few more people to get on that Outdoor First Aid Training? Help one of your leaders do a professionally run Alpine Instructors refresher course? Get your club president some training in conflict resolution or governance?
The FMC Training grant was established in 2020, to support FMC clubs by making training opportunities a little more accessible.
The grants are in cash to the club, and are made possible through the support of the FMC Mountain and Forest Trust.
A full list of criteria can be found on the application form.
Applications are open now, and must be received by 15 September. Grants will be awarded in October.
Ready to apply?
Have any more questions? Contact us.
Record of past recipients:
The links go to the stories provided by the club about the training activity which was supported.
2024 grant round
- Hokonui Tramping Club, to run Outdoor First Aid course
- Otago University Tramping Club, to run Outdoor First Aid course
- Upper Clutha Tramping Club, to run Outdoor First Aid course
- Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club, to run Intermediate Bushcraft course
2023 grant round
- Christchurch Tramping Club, to run Outdoor First Aid course
- Palmerston North Tramping and Mountaineering Club, to run Outdoor First Aid course
- Waikato Tramping Club, to run Outdoor First Aid course
- Rotorua Tramping and Skiing Club, to run Navigation and River Crossing course
2022 grant round
- North Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club, for a snow skills course
- New Zealand Packrafting Association (PRANZ), to support leadership training.
- Otago Section New Zealand Alpine Club, to run a First Aid Course.
- Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club, to run a First Aid Course.
2021 grant round
- Christchurch Tramping Club for an outdoor first aid refresher
- New Zealand Packrafting Association (PRANZ), to develop a packrafting instruction capability in New Zealand.
- Canterbury University Tramping Club, to run an Avalanche Awareness Course.
2020 grant round
- New Zealand Packrafting Association (PRANZ), for a NZOIA kayak 1 training course with the NZ Kayak School, for the upskilling of PRANZ packrafting instructors.
- Over 40s Tramping Club, for an outdoor first aid course with Red Cross.
- Nelson Tramping Club, for a club snowcraft training course.
Header image: Wellington TMC and Tararua TC members on a Leadership Development Course, Remutaka Ranges / Matt Conway