FMC monthly newsletters

FMC’s monthly newsletters are stored on this page;   If you have any ideas which you would like to share with other clubs then please let FMC know.

FMC online database

FMC now has an online database and club officers with the appropriate login and appropriate access rights will be able to edit their clubs data directly. Listed below are some guide notes to help Club Officers.
If any club officer has any queries please contact our Administrator, Rebecca Gray at

Club Officer Log In

Club Officer Guide to FMC Database
LogIn Security FAQ

FMC personal information privacy policy

FMC strives to meet its moral and legal obligations regarding privacy and personal information.

  • FMC will not collect personal information for which there is no bonafide need to be held.
  • Such information will not be held if it is no longer needed.
  • Any person can request to view and correct the information FMC holds about them.
  • Information will not be given out without the consent of the person, unless it is being given out for the purpose it was being collected:
    • e.g, FMC will ask for a way for the public to contact the club, and that information will be freely available via the ‘find a club’ part of our website.

The FMC Executive Officer Administration is our organisation’s Privacy officer.  For questions regarding the information FMC holds and publishes, please contact

FMC rules

We are governed by our rules.

Club circulars

Copies of material recently mailed to, or referred to, member clubs is available for download here:

Material relating to FMC’s new draft Constitution or creating your own club constitution can be found here:

Older material can be viewed below:

Safety in the Mountains booklet

At the FMC Online store you can purchase hard-copies of FMC’s Flagship booklet: first published in 1937 and still going strong more than 80 years later!

Or you can visit to read an online version of “Safety in the Mountains

Club ‘how to’ resources

Available on the Outdoor Community section of our blog. 

FMC has been researching, compiling and publishing a growing list of resources for clubs, which give helpful ‘how-to’ advice for many aspects of running a club. From how to run photo competitions, gear hire services, attracting and retaining new members or trip leaders to club publications and archiving. This information is gathered as part of FMC’s wider Outdoor Community Campaign, and we welcome feedback or input to improving the resource.

Liability issues

FMC is asked from time to time to comment on the liability of member clubs in the event of a fire or accident occurring on a club trip. The following documents which give general guidelines have been prepared to help explain the situation to clubs.

General liability

Health and Safety At Work Act 2015

Club trip transport and gear hire

Should our club register as a charity?