FMC is still in an information gathering phase in assessing the Overseas Investment Office decision on public access provisions around the sale of Hunter Valley station to overseas interests. The current information we have is provided here:
2017-02-10 – Notice of Decision re 201610030pdf – Redacted
Walking Access Commisison submission to Hunter Valley Station sale
It is problematic when the outcomes of a process like this with a high degree of public interest is released in a very bald format with no reasoning, and an almost complete lack of transparency. The process does not serve the interests of either the public or the purchaser.
Initiallly it is worth noting that of the 9 recommendations made by the Walking Access Commission – a New Zealand’s government agency charged with ensuring appropriate public access – only 2 have been adopted by the Overseas Investment Office, and one of the discretionary access rights purported to be granted by the decision is actually on public conservation land! These recommendations and the results are outlined below:
Assessment of the Overseas Investment Office implementation of Walking Access Commission Recommendations
1. The Applicant to facilitate legalisation of Meads Road from State Highway 6 – Makarora to Lake Hawea Road, to Kidds Bush at no further cost to the Queenstown Lakes District Council.
Decision: Adopted
2. The Applicant verify either by survey or guarantee, that the formed section of Meads road form Kidds Bush to Terrace Creek is on legal road alignment. If a survey is required, this would be at the Applicant’s expense.
Decision: Not adopted. Decision silent on legal road formalisation past Kidds Bush
3. The Applicant to support and facilitate the establishment of a public access easement from SH6 to Spot Height 1264 and on to the boundary of the Hawea Conservation Park (Sentinel Peak) following the existing 4WD airstrip track (refer Map 8) and meet the costs of establishing this easement.
Decision: Not adopted. Western Access to Sentinel Peak at discretion of lessee, and defined as the access route north of Camp Creek (which is actually public conservation land!)
4. The Applicant to support and facilitate the establishment of a public access easement providing for walking access to Spot Height 1183 over the route shown in Map 7 and meet the costs of establishing this easement.
Decision: Not adopted. Access at discretion of lessee.
5. The Applicant to establish esplanade strips under the Resource Management Act 1991 to provide certain, enduring and practical walking access upstream alongside Kidds Creek from Lake Hawea to the Hawea Conservation Park at the Applicant’s cost.
Decision: Not adopted, access at discretion of lessee.
6. The Applicant to establish a public access easement over the existing DOC managed track to Sawyers Burn Hut where the track is on Crown Pastoral Lease and meet the costs of establishing this easement.
Decision: Adopted, with extension of easement past Sawyer Burn Hut to Sentinel Peak through pastoral lease
7. The Applicant to support and facilitate the establishment of a walkway easement over Hunter Valley Station Road providing for managed public access, including walking, mountain biking, by horse and motorised vehicles and meet the costs of establishing this easement. Refer Appendix 2.
Decision: Not adopted, access at discretion of lessee.
8. The Applicant to undertake a cadastral survey at the Applicant’s cost of the qualifying rivers, streams and lakeshore marginal strips currently not depicted in cadastre to provide clarity on public access areas (refer 8.10)
Decision: Not adopted, decision silent on clarification of existing access rights
9. The Applicant to provide an access strip along existing farm track to Meads Landing (or an alternative that provides for practical access ) to provide secure, certain, enduring and practical access for boats and vehicles (refer 8.11 an Map 13) and meet the costs of establishing this easement.
Decision: Not adopted, decision silent on Meads Landing access to remain at discretion of lessee