Write in support of a Wild Rivers park

If you support the proposal we encourage you to write to the Conservation Minister, your local MPs or local government to ask for their support.  Here are some email addresses to get you started:

Your letter could touch on the following points:

  • Nearly 30% of all public conservation land nationwide is stewardship land, waiting for its values to be assessed and to be given a suitable conservation status.
  • Stewardship land is by no means less valuable than currently classified conservation land. Some of it is deserving of national park status.
  • A significant portion of all stewardship land is in Westland, both north and south of Tai Poutini Westland National Park.
  • Here, a mosaic of stewardship parcels and of conservation parks is home to many of our country’s Wild Rivers.
  • Why are Wild Rivers important to you? Why do you think they are worth protecting?
  • Make it a Wild Rivers park!

Make sure to include your name and contact details.