DOC publishes a Long-term Insights Briefing three-yearly to inform the public on trends, risks, and opportunities, and to provide impartial analysis and policy options.
Its latest proposed LTIB topic is ‘how to better integrate the value of nature into government decision-making.’ FMC has written a submission in response. In general, we support the proposed topic, however, we suggest this question first be asked and answered: ‘Why is this work needed?’ A clear rationale will support a strong process and worthwhile outcomes.
New Zealand’s legal framework for nature protection is complex. We recommend assessing how our nation’s nature-focussed laws interact and whether they collectively give adequate environmental safeguards. We also suggest policy or legislative change to better protect nature if the assessment shows the need.
FMC accepts, with qualification, ecosystem services valuation (valuing nature’s benefits economically). It should be used only with non-market valuation approaches, such as recognising nature’s intrinsic value.
In our submission, we also emphasise the importance of public engagement and policymaker education once the project is complete to ensure its findings lead to meaningful change.
Photo: Sue Martin