Due to a smaller amount of nominations for the executive board members FMC received this year, no election was required. Mick Abbott, Allan Brent, Jan Finlayson, Raymond Ford, Stu Gray, Emma Gregg, Robin McNeill and Tony Walton are staying with us for another year. We are excited and appreciative that they continue to volunteer their time, energy and expertise to support and strengthen FMC’s mahi. You can read more about their skills and passions here.

Megan Dimozantos continues in her presidency role for the year 2024/25. Allan Brent is moving on from his Vice-President role, while still remaining on the executive. We’re looking to elect a new Vice-President at our next meeting in June.

We have some spots available on the executive which we may look to consider co-opt into. If you have specific skills in conservation legislation, advocacy, resource management legislation, good sector connections, or iwi relationship building and would like to put your skills to good use for the benefit of the recreation and conservation community, we’d love to hear from you at president@fmc.org.nz