FMC is pleased to report that “The Waitaia Forestry Limited application (WK-28733-OTH) for a concession (considered as a reconsideration) for a right of way easement over Coromandel Forest Park has been declined, as the Minister has decided not to proceed with the proposal.”
The proposal for a private forestry road through Coromandel State Forest Park came up in 2016. FMC opposed the proposal, and wrote a comprehensive submission to the Department of Conservation.
Coromandel still under pressure
It is time for the forested spine of the Coromandel be respected every bit as much as the Tararua and Ruahine. With this success attention now switches to doing everything we can to prevent a road planned for private profit through Whangapoua Forest on the hills behind Coromandel town.
It should be noted that, in the case of the Waitaia Bay forestry road proposal like in the above proposal for a road through Whangapoua Forest, alternative (albeit longer) access routes exist. FMC does not see why long-term conservation and recreation values should be secondary to the pursuit of private profit and is urging DOC to properly consider: the environmental and recreational values of Coromandel, the purpose for which this land is held, the Conservation General Policy and the Waikato Conservation Management Strategy.